- Aoyama, H.,†, Arae, T.† (†co-first authors), Sotta, N., Yamashita, Y., Toyoda, A., Naito, S., *Chiba, Y.: Impact of translational regulation on diurnal expression revealed by time-series ribosome profiling in Arabidopsis. Plant J. in press (2024)
- Imamichi, T., Kusumoto, N., Aoyama, H., Takamatsu, S., Honda, Y., Muraoka, S., Hagiwara-Komoda, Y., Chiba, Y., *Onouchi, H., *Yamashita, Y., *Naito, S.: Phylogeny-linked occurrence of ribosome stalling on the mRNAs of Arabidopsis unfolded protein response factor bZIP60 orthologs in divergent plant species. Nucleic Acids Res. in press (2024)
- Jie L., Sanagi M., Luo Y., Maeda H., Fukao Y., Chiba Y., Yanagisawa S., Yamaguchi J., Takagi, J., *Sato T.: Histone chaperone NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN 1 proteins affect plant growth under nitrogen deficient conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana,Plant Biotech., 40 93-98 (2023)
- *Sotta N.†, Chiba Y.† (†co-first authors), Aoyama H., Takamatsu S., Suzuki T., Miwa K., Yamashita Y., *Naito S., *Fujiwara T.: Translational landscape of a C4 plant, Sorghum bicolor, under normal and sulfur deficient conditions,Plant Cell Physiol., 63 592-604 (2022)
- Luo Y., Yasuda S., Takag, J., Hasegawa Y., Chiba Y., Yamaguchi J., *Sato T.: Deubiquitinating enzymes UBP12 and UBP13 regulate carbon/nitrogen-nutrient stress responses by interacting with the membrane-localized ubiquitin ligase ATL31 in Arabidopsis.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 635 55-61 (2022)
- Sotta N.†, Chiba Y.†, (†co-first authors) Miwa K., Takamatsu S., Tanaka M., Yamashita Y., *Naito S., *Fujiwara T.: Global analysis of boron-induced ribosome stalling reveals its effects on translation termination and unique regulation by AUG-stops in Arabidopsis shoots. Plant J., 106 1455-1467 (2021)
- Watanabe M., Chiba Y., Hirai Y.: Metabolism and regulatory functions of O-acetylserine, S-adenosylmethionine, homocysteine, and serine in plant development and environmental responses. Front. Plant Sci., 12 643403 (2021)
- Motomura K., †, Arae T. †, (†co-first authors) Uramoto A. H., Suzuki Y., Takeuchi H., Suzuki T., Ichihashi Y., Shibata A., Shirasu K., Takeda A., Higashiyama T., Chiba Y.: AtNOT1 is a novel regulator of gene expression during pollen development. Plant Cell. Physiol., 61 712-721 (2020)
- Arae T., Morita K., Imahori R., Suzuki Y., Yasuda S., Sato T., Yamaguchi J., and Chiba, Y. Identification of Arabidopsis CCR4-NOT complexes with Pumilio RNA binding proteins, APUM5 and APUM2. Plant Cell. Physiol., 60 2015-2025 (2019)
- Luo, Y., Aoyama, S., Fukao, Y., Chiba, Y., Sato, T., and Yamaguchi, J. Involvement of the membrane-localized ubiquitin ligase ATL8 in sugar starvation response in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotech., 36 107-112 (2019)
- Satake, A., Kawata, K., Chiba, Y., Kitamura, K., and Qingmin, H. Synchronized expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T between branches underlies mass flowering in Fagus crenata. Population Ecology, 61 5-13 (2018)
- Arae T., Isai S., Sakai A., Mineta K., Hirai Y. M., Suzuki Y., Kanaya S., Yamaguchi J., Naito S., Chiba, Y. Coordinated regulations of mRNA synthesis and decay during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis cells. Plant Cell. Physiol., 58: 1090-1102 (2017)
- 鈴木悠也,南雲亜希子,荒江星拓,千葉由佳子. mRNA分解制御から植物の環境ストレス応答を考える. 生物科学,, 68: 215-222 (2017)
- Aoyama S., Terada S., Sanagi M., Hasegawa Y., Lu Y., Morita Y., Chiba Y., Sato T. *Yamaguchi J.Membrane-localized ubiquitin ligase ATL15 functions in sugar-responsive growth regulation in Arabidopsis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 491: 33-39 (2017)
- Tanaka M., Sotta N., Yamazumi Y., Yamashita Y., Miwa K., Murota K., Chiba Y., Hirai Y. M., Akiyama T., Onouchi H., Naito S., and *Fujiwara T. The minimum open reading frame, AUG-Stop, induces boron-dependent ribosome stalling and mRNA degradation. Plant Cell,28: 2830-2849 (2016)
- Suzuki, Y., Arae, T., Green, P. J., Yamaguchi, J., Chiba, Y. AtCCR4a and AtCCR4b are involved in determining the poly(A) length of Granule-bound starch synthase 1 transcript and modulating sucrose and starch metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell. Physiol.,56: 863-874 (2015)
- Sriyudthsak K., Sawada Y., Chiba Y., Yamashita Y., Kanaya S., Onouchi H., Fujiwara T., Naito S., Voit E.O., Shiraishi F., Hirai M.* A U-system approach for predicting metabolic behaviors and responses based on an alleged metabolic reaction network.BMC systems biology, 8: Suppl.5 S4 (2014)
- Miyazaki, Y., Maruyama, Y., Chiba, Y., Kobayashi, M.J., Joseph, B., Shimizu, K.K., Mochida, K., Hiura, T., Kon, H. and Satake, A. Nitrogen as a key regulator of flowering in Fagus crenata: understanding the physiological mechanism of masting by gene expression analysis.Ecology Letters, 17: 1299-1309 (2014)
- Maruyama, Y., Yamoto, N., Suzuki, Y., Chiba, Y., Yamazak,i K., Sato, T., Yamaguchi, J.: Arabidopsis transcriptional repressor ERF9 participates in resistance against necrotrophic fungi.Plant Science, 213: 79-87 (2013)
- Yamashita, Y., Lambein, I., Kobayashi, S., Onouchi, H., Chiba, Y., Naito, S..: A halt in poly(A) shortening during S-adenosyl-L-methionine-induced translation arrest in CGS1 mRNA of Arabidopsis thaliana.Genes & Genetic Systems, 88: 241-249 (2013)
- Satake, A., Kawagoe, T., Saburi, Y.,Chiba, Y., Sakurai, G., Kudoh, H.: Forecasting flowering phenology under climate warming by modelling regulatory dynamics of flowering-time genes.Nature Communications, 4: Article number 2303 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3303) (2013)
- Katsuragi, T., Ono, N., Yasumoto, K., Altaf-Ul-Amin, M., Hirai, M.Y., Sriyudthsak, K., Sawada, Y., Yamashita, Y., Chiba, Y., Onouchi, H., Fujiwara, T., Naito, S., Shiraishi, F. and Kanaya, S: SS-mPMG and SS-GA: Tools for Finding Pathways and Dynamic Simulation of Metabolic Networks. Plant and Cell Physiol.,Plant Cell Physiol., 54: 728-739 (2013)
- Chiba, Y., Mineta, K., Hirai, Y. M., Suzuki, Y., Kanaya, S., Takahashi, H., Onouchi, H., Yamaguchi, J., and Naito, S.: Changes in mRNA stability associated with cold stress in Arabidopsis cells.Plant Cell Physiol., 54: 180-194 (2013)
- Yamaji, N., Chiba, Y., Ueno, N. M., and Ma, J.F.: Functional characterization of a silicon transporter gene implicated in Si distribution in barley. Plant Physiol., 160: 1491-1497 (2012)
- Sun, H., Sako, K., Suzuki, Y., Maekawa, S., Yasuda, S.,Chiba, Y., Sato, T. and Yamaguchi, J: Sugar-inducible RPT2a, a subunit of 26S proteasome, participates in sugar response in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotech., 29: 279-284 (2012).
- Maekawa, S., Sato, T., Asada, Y., Yasuda, S., Yoshida, M.,Chiba, Y., Yamaguchi, J.: The Arabidopsis ubiquitin ligases ATL31 and ATL6 control the defense response as well as the carbon/nitrogen response. Plant Mol. Biol., 79: 217-227 (2012).
- Tanaka, M., Takano, J., Chiba, Y., Lombardo, F., Ogasawara, Y., Onouchi, H., Naito, S. and Fujiwara, T.: Boron-Dependent Degradation of NIP5;1 mRNA for Acclimation to Excess Boron Conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 23: 3547-3559 (2011).
- Mitani, N.*, Chiba, Y.*, Yamaji, N. and Ma, J. F. (*co-first authors): Identification of silicon efflux transporters in maize and barley reveals their different silicon uptake system from rice. Plant Cell, 21: 2133-2142 (2009).
- Chiba, Y. and Green, P.J.: mRNA degradation machinery in plants. J. Plant Biol., 52: 114-124 (2009).
- Chiba, Y., Mitani, N.; Yamaji, N.; Ma, J. F: HvLsi1 is a silicon influx transporter in barley. Plant J., 57: 810-818 (2008).
- Onouchi, H., Haraguchi, Y., Nakamoto, M., Kawasaki, D., Yamashita, Y.N., Murota, K., Hosomi, A.K., Chiba, Y. and Naito, S: Nascent peptide-mediated translation elongation arrest of Arabidopsis thaliana CGS1 mRNA occurs autonomously. Plant Cell Physiol., 49: 549-556 (2008).
- Chiba, Y., Johnson, M.A., Lidder, P., Vogel, J.T., Van Erp, H., Green, P.J: AtPARN is an essential poly(A) ribonuclease in Arabidopsis. Gene, 328: 95-102. (2004).
- Onouchi, H., Lambein, I., Sakurai, R., Suzuki, A., Chiba, Y., Naito, S: Autoregulation of the gene for cystathionine γ-synthase in Arabidopsis: post-transcriptional regulation induced by S-adenosylmethionine. Biochem. Soc. Trans., 32: 597-600 (2004).
- Chiba, Y., Sakurai, R., Yoshino, M., Ominato, K., Ishikawa, M., Onouchi, H., Naito, S: S-Adenosyl-L-methionine is an effector in the posttranscriptional autoregulation of the cystathionine γ-synthase gene in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100: 10225-10230 (2003).
- Lambein, I., Chiba, Y., Onouchi, H., Naito, S: Decay kinetics of autogenously regulated CGS1 mRNA that codes for cystathionine γ-synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol., 44: 893-900 (2003).
- Ominato, K., Akita, H., Suzuki, A., Kijima, F., Yoshino, T., Yoshino, M., Chiba, Y., Onouchi, H., Naito, S: Identification of a short highly conserved amino acid sequence as the functional region required for posttranscriptional autoregulation of the cystathionine γ-synthase gene in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 36380-36386 (2002).
- 尾之内均, 千葉由佳子, 内藤 哲.新生ペプチドによる遺伝子発現制御,蛋白質核酸酵素 増刊“植物の形づくり 遺伝子から見た分子メカニズム” (岡田清孝, 町田泰則, 島本 功, 福田裕穂, 中村研三 編集) pp.1730-1734,共立出版. (2002).
- Suzuki, A., Shirata, Y., Ishida, H., Chiba, Y., Onouchi, H., Naito, S: The first exon coding region of cystathionine γ-synthase gene is necessary and sufficient for downregulation of its own mRNA accumulation in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol., 42: 1174-1180 (2001).
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- Chiba, Y., Ishikawa, M., Kijima, F., Tyson, R.H., Kim, J., Yamamoto, A., Nambara, E., Leustek, T., Wallsgrove, R.M. and Naito, S: Evidence for autoregulation of cystathionine γ-synthase mRNA stability in Arabidopsis. Science, 286: 1371-1374 (1999).
- Kim, J., Chiba, Y., Yamamoto, A., Naito, S., Leustek, T: Nucleotide sequence polymorphisms in the cystathionine gamma-synthase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana (Accession nos., AF039206 and AB010888). Plant Physiol., 120: 635 (1999).
- Sakata, Y., Chiba, Y., Fukushima, H., Matsubara, N., Habu, Y., Naito, S., Ohno, T: The RY sequence is necessary but not sufficient for the transcription activation of a winged bean chymotrypsin inhibitor gene in developing seeds. Plant Mol. Biol., 34: 191-197 (1997).
- 平成20年度、ノーステック財団基盤的研究開発育成事業理事長賞受賞
- 2023年度科学研究費補助金:基盤研究C
「植物の周期的発現を支える時間依存的な翻訳制御システム」 - 2019年度科学研究費補助金:挑戦的研究
「上流ORFによる新規の時間依存的翻訳制御」 - 2018年度科学研究費補助金:新学術領域研究(環境記憶統合)
「環境ストレスからのリカバリーと記憶に関わるmRNA分解制御」 - 2016年度科学研究費補助金:基盤研究C
「統合的網羅解析によるポリA分解酵素の機能解明」 - 戦略的創造研究推進事業「さきがけ」
「ショ糖過剰ストレス耐性に関わる転写とmRNA分解の協調制御」 - 2011年度科学研究費補助金:新学術領域研究(植物環境突破力)
「低温ストレス応答におけるmRNA合成と分解の協調的制御システム」 - 2009年度科学研究費補助金:新学術領域研究(RNA制御学)
「低温ストレス応答におけるRNA制御システム」 - 2008年度科学研究費補助金:若手研究(スタートアップ)
「植物におけるストレスに応答したmRNA安定性による制御機構の研究」 - 2008年度ノーステック財団科学研究費補助金: ノーステック基盤的研究開発育成事業
「 植物におけるmRNA分解による遺伝子発現制御-低温馴化との関わり-」 - 2008年度北大総長裁量重点配分経費(公募型プロジェクト研究等支援経費)
研究発表等 (○発表者)
○Haruka Aoyama, Yuma Ise, Akinori Takahashi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yukako Chiba: uORFs-mediated Translational Regulation in Arabidopsis Clock Gene LHY. The MBSJ2022, Nor.30-Dec.2 2022, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Poster presentation)
○Sota Kurachi, Riko Imahor1, Toshihiro Ara2, Misato Ohtani, Yukako Chiba: Arabidopsis deadenylase, AtCCR4 is required for induction of shoot regeneration from callus. The MBSJ2022, Nor.30-Dec.2 2022, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Poster presentation)
○Hayato Iwamura, Kotone Morita, Toshihiro Arae, Yukako Chiba: Arabidopsis deadenylase AtCCR4 and RNA-binding protein APUM5 are required for robust regulation of environmental stress-responsive genes. The MBSJ2022, Nor.30-Dec.2 2022, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Poster presentation)
○Kosuke Kawai, Sota Kurachi, Riko Imahori, Toshihiro Arae, Misato Ohtani, Yukako Chiba: Deadenylase AtCCR4a/b and the interacting RNA binding protein APUM2 are involved in hormonal response and regulate proper shoot regeneration. The MBSJ2022, Nor.30-Dec.2 2022, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Poster presentation)
○Taku Tokunaka, Toshihiro Arae, Seidai Takamatsu, Atsushi Toyoda, Yukako Chiba: Post-transcriptional regulation via poly(A) length control by Arabidopsis deadenylase, AtCCR4. The 64th Annual Meeting of JSPP, Mar.15-17, 2023, Sendai (Oral presentation)
○Haruka Aoyama, Yuma Ise, Akinori Takahashi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yukako Chiba: Multiple uORF-mediated translational regulation in the Arabidopsis clock gene LHY. The 64th Annual Meeting of JSPP, Mar.15-17, 2023, Sendai (Oral presentation)